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Wow - where has the last month gone?

Writer's picture: wyldeoakeartistrywyldeoakeartistry

Okies - I know where it has gone ..... continued working on WOA creatively, flu season it seems has started, starting the MA and the developing of new beginnings and crossroads being reached ..... .... in terms of what methodologies and processes go forward, what aesthetic values in terms of physical and visual and also surprisingly in terms of the palette. The work developed in the past year has been incredibly bold and forthright - a real in your face shout out about issues surrounding body dysmorphia. However, I am realising my heart is yearning for delicacy, subtle-ness and a return to a previously investigated concept of using beauty of decay in nature as a metaphor for this theme. Upcoming exhibitions in 2022 force the continued exploration of socio-cultural issues surrounding the human figure but as any artist will tell you the work continually evolves and shape-shifts - waves from distant shores bringing in new influences and concepts which often prove irresistible. My studies at undergraduate level obviously effects upon the work produced for WOA but a masters degree directly impacts as it is seeks to expand your creative practice and this impact is being felt already through the suggestions of new artists and media that warrants contextual and visual research - the waves are rolling in.

As a consequence, I will in the coming couple of weeks be adding a new page to the Gallery - a sketchbook page showing art journal work with small stitched or collaged samples. These samples are primarily formed as WOA sampling work but are also slowing becoming part of the foundation of an MA project in an experimental format - self-imposed parameters creating playful two-dimensional pieces that can be used in various developing formats. It is becoming a daily joy to work these small pieces - one of the parameters being no more than 30 minutes to be spent on each meaning they also create a warm-up to the day, focusing the mind in a meditative format. So what about the MA itself? early zoom tutorials are proving absorbing, immensely tiring due to the focus required and thoroughly enjoyable with new terminology confuddling the brain and meaning we, as a cohort/class, are often scrabbling for dictionaries! As I personally am understanding - undergraduate teaches you about critical thinking but it does not, or at least has not, distinguished between descriptive and critical (for the record this blog is descriptive!)! Each new teaching session introducing new concepts, discursive discussion and interaction with fellow artists using a wide variety of media - a collaboration and meeting of minds that is proving highly enriching even at this early stage.

As I write I realise I sounding a little arty 'warty' - a consequence I guess of the study but life is not all about study and work! Life is also about the little things - the autumn field trips that are a combination of meanders and restful logs that enable you to just simply sit, listen, watch and become at one with your surroundings (plastic bags being taken to protect against damp moss) as you dodge squirrels knocking prickly chestnuts out of the branches above you, or the joy of discovering that Horlicks and hot chocolate powder make an awesome Maltesers hot chocolate drink upon your return! Also it is about the little joys of realising that 1 Ikea pegboard in your home studio is simply not enough ..... and a second was needed! These pegboards are A-MAZING ..... the hanging racks and cups adding to the efficiency and organisation but worry not about the clear spaces on the left hand one for it shall not last long! For now I shall end this blog ..... the completion of marketing jobs including the setting up of a Redbubble shop is calling me and the writing up of an overdue MA teaching session.


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